Thursday, August 21, 2008

Welcome our new guitarist Glenn Urquhart!

It's official! Please give a warm welcome to our new guitarist Glenn Urquhart! We played our first show together on August 9th and really had great time. Since then we have had 2 rehearsals and have successfully hammered out seven new songs! I won't give away any surprises, but just a hint... songs from the Rollings Stones, Cream, Eric Clapton, Jack Nitzsche and Sonny Bono, and the Animals!

We are looking forward to playing a show in the very near future! Stay tuned! You can join our e-mail list by sending an email to Or join our group on facebook or myspace

All the best,
The Humphrey Road

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Al Rosner 716-602-4779

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Buffalo New York 1960's and 1970's Classic Rock and Blues...

The Humphrey Road Band is a classic rock and blues band drawing it songs from the sixties and seventies. They bring the tunes of Eric Clapton, Jimmi Hendrix, and Jefferson Airplane to name a few to life with there own style with a healthy mix of youth and musicianship.